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Resonance analysis for anxiety disorders, malaise, illnesses

Resonance analysis for anxiety disorders, malaise, illnesses

Regular price €89,00 EUR
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Chakra/Aura/Resonance analysis for your dog/pet in case of anxiety disorders, malaise, illnesses

By appointment

Duration: 30 mins

Information in detail:

We offer aura and resonance analyzes with the Healy. The frequencies are determined via the "quantum physical field" that resonate with you and "may" be balanced.

On request, we will create an aura analysis for you, with which you can analyze the energy distribution of your chakras in the information field. This is followed by an optimization list from which the optimization patterns then obtained can be raised, or I will put together appropriate individual processes for you, which you can enjoy in my practice via the cloud. I can also swing your personally compiled affirmations into your information field.

All of this is also possible online, since the "morphogenetic field", i.e. quantum field, can be used to "swing up". The Healy has a strong effect in the subtle area and it is not necessary to wear the electrodes here. .This upswing of the special, personal frequencies tuned to you harmonizes your:

Well-being, reduces stress, helps you to fall asleep better, increases your vitality and life energy, energy stores are activated.

In order for the Healy to be able to contact your information field, a photo, your date of birth, place of birth and address are required, as well as your vibration. Then an aura recording is made. The Healy will then use the Aura module to analyze the energy distribution of your chakras in the information field. You will then receive detailed information on the most relevant chakras. This is followed by an analysis of the emotional background and an overview of the optimizations. These optimization patterns are then swung up with the Healy to balance emotional blockages. In the best case, these optimization lists will be in your information field for 2-3 weeks. All of this will be emailed to you as a PDF file.

With a so-called resonance analysis you can recognize and see what supports you in harmonizing your bioenergetic field. More than 100 parameters such as the programs mentioned above can be found. In addition, it can be determined which Schuessler salts, vital substances, Bach flowers, precious stones and much more are good for your body.

Here, too, it is possible, if you do not (yet) own a Healy, to send the programs remotely into your bioenergetic field.

The chakras serve as intermediaries between the physical body and the subtle body (aura) and are believed to act as a kind of transformer.

According to this model, the chakras should be connected to the various aura layers and the meridians (energy channels) of the body and should also be able to absorb energy from the cosmos and the subtle world. Absorbed energies (vibrations) can affect us either positively or negatively.

The chakra theory states that there are seven main chakras, which run along the spine or in the vertical central axis of the body, following the kundakini energy, from the root chakra to the crown chakra. According to the chakra system, the Kundalini force rises upwards through this assumed energy channel.

The seven main chakras have specific functions and colors that characterize them. For example, the lowest of the seven chakras, the red root chakra, indicates the basic trust that people have in common. It stands for a part of his development process, because the basic trust is created in the child as the basis for the life process. The crown chakra, the uppermost of the chakras, which is usually shown in white or slightly violet, reflects, among other things, the knowledge about the universe that man has gained in old age. The colors of the chakras correspond to their individual vibrational frequencies.

In addition to the subtle interpretations of the chakras, the main chakras can be physically assigned to the organs and glands with which they are supposed to be connected. According to this view, each chakra can give energy to the organs and glands and support them energetically. Physical and mental illnesses often result in changes in these energy fields.

The aim of the chakra programs at Healy is to bioenergetically strengthen these central energy centers and bring them back into their natural balance.

Crown Chakra
Energetic harmonization of the issues of the crown chakra and connection to the higher self.

brow chakra
Energetic harmonization of the issues of the brow chakra and strengthening of intuition.

Throat Chakra
Energetically harmonizing the issues of the throat chakra and promoting constructive communication.

heart chakra
Energetically harmonizing heart chakra issues and stimulating balanced empathy.

Solar Plexus Chakra
Energetic harmonization of the issues of the solar plexus chakra and strengthening of self-confidence.

Sacral Chakra
Energetically harmonizing the issues of the sacral chakra and stimulating creativity.

root chakra
Energetic harmonization of root chakra issues and activation of basic trust.

Note: Healy is a medical device for pain management in chronic pain, fibromyalgia, skeletal pain and migraine, as well as supportive treatment for mental illnesses such as depression, anxiety and related sleep disorders. All other applications of the Healy are not recognized by conventional medicine due to a lack of evidence in the sense of conventional medicine.

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